[Typo3-dev] TS Constants into PHP Script

Nils Meyer Nils at Meyer-Brothers.de
Mon Oct 6 02:43:41 CEST 2003


I'm currently developing a frontend plugin especially for the needs of 
my basketball club, with several teams etc. (Extension key: bball)

Now I managed to get the output working using the Kickstart Wizard and 
adapting the class.tx_bball_pi1.php->main

But my problem now is to get the constants defined in 
ext_typoscript_constants.txt into my script. The only value I get into 
my script via $conf is the preset userFunc.

As no changings in my ext_typoscript_setup.txt take effect (e.g. I can 
enter a totally different userFunc and the old one still gets called) I 
guess that I did something wrong here.

How can I get some data from my constant file into the php Script?

Please find the two txt files below.

Thanks for your help!

Nils Meyer

---------- ext_typoscript_setup.txt ----------
plugin.tx_bball_pi1 >
plugin.tx_bball_pi1 = USER
plugin.tx_bball_pi1 {
   userFunc = tx_bball_pi1->main
   templateFile = {$plugin.tx_bball_pi1.file.templateFile}
   playerPageID = {$plugin.tx_bball_pi1.playerPageID}
   teamPageID = {$plugin.tx_bball_pi1.teamPageID}

-------- ext_typoscript_constants.txt --------
plugin.tx_bball_pi1 {
     # cat=plugin.bball/file; type=file[html,htm,tmpl,txt]; label= 
Player Template File: HTML-template file for display of a player. See 
EXT:bball/pi1/player.tmpl for an example
   file.playerTemplateFile = EXT:bball/pi1/player.tmpl

     # cat=plugin.bball/file; type=file[html,htm,tmpl,txt]; label= Team 
Template File: HTML-template file for display of a team. See 
EXT:bball/pi1/team.tmpl for an example
   file.teamTemplateFile = EXT:bball/pi1/team.tmpl

     # cat=plugin.bball//; type=int+; label= "Player" pid: The PID of 
the page on which a single player should be displayed

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