[Typo3-dev] Language menu with comboBox

Frank N. fnavarro at gtssl.com
Mon Dec 29 11:59:18 CET 2003

Hello friends, merry x-mas for all.

I put a language menu like explained in tips. All works fine. But now i want
to include a comboBox for choosing the language. I have modified the script
to generate the menu but no action returned. I think that the function
doesn't run. Have anybody idea why not? I have included it in the head
section of my htm template but it is not called. Below i include the code i
have developed to do it:

$temp = "'parent'";
$content = '<table border=0 cellpadding=0
cellspacing=0><tr><td>Idiomas</td><td><form name="form2" method="post"
  <select name="menu1" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('.$temp.',this,0)">
    <option selected value="'.$flags[1].'">English</option  </select>

I have entered the destination url's in an array.
I use $temp variable because in the call to the function it is needed " and
it is not possible if i put ' because close the definition of $content

Could anybody tell me how to achive this? Thanks.

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