[Typo3-dev] Smarty integration

Peter Knöll peter at knoell.org
Mon Dec 15 14:04:06 CET 2003

Hi Lukas!

Did you read the short documentation? Install the extension, follow 
documentation, make instcance of tx_smarty and have the templates in 
subfolder "templates" of the extension with wich you want to use smarty.


lukas pitschl schrieb:

>hi peter,
>as i've been working with smarty for long time now and don't really like
>the build-in template-engine of typo3 which seems to be kinda like
>rFastTemplate, it would be great if you could tell me, how to use smarty
>in my typo3 extensions...
>do i have to install the smarty extension and then only create instances
>of that one, or are there things to configure...?

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