[Typo3-dev] Feature request: dead hyperlinks

Peter Niederlag niederlag at ikd01.de
Sun Dec 14 20:25:58 CET 2003

Hi Dan,

dan frost <dan at danfrost.co.uk> schrieb :

[topic: it would be nice to have some dead-hyperlink-check in Typo3
checks all pages for broken links and displays a report]

> There are perl/bash/small php scripts to do this. You (or someone)
> could write it into the BE quite easily.

This is meant to deal with dead links, which will not make it to the
website anymore, because typo3 wont generate them when they are "dead".
For instance "linked headers" pointing to a meanwhile deleted page or
<link thisidnotexistsanymore>some link in bodytext</link>.

I think we need some other technic here. It is not that diffcult but
would be something really nice to have.

Peter Niederlag
http://www.ikd01.de * Information Kommunikation Design *
http://www.clown-goli.de * Clown-Comedy-Jonglage-Animation *

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