[Typo3-debian] typo3-site-installer - TODO

Christian Leutloff leutloff at debian.org
Mon May 9 12:50:24 CEST 2005

Hash: SHA1


here's the up to date version of the TODO file (not in CVS). I have
hopefully integrated all our discussion topics reading the
installation of TYPO3 into Debian. If I've missed a point, please
direct me the message. Thanks.


typo3-site-installer - TODO

- - install apache.conf from Templates (one template for virtualhosts,
   one for a single host) for apache 1.3 and 2.0; enable safe sites
   and reload apache (leutloff at debian.org is working on this,

- - install localconf.php from Templates(leutloff at debian.org is
working on this,

- - My (Michael Stucki) idea was something like this inside of

   System-wide defaults: Default settings for each of these
   products. File is included from site-localconf (sitewide default
   configuration, see below).

   - defaults/graphicsmagick.inc
   - defaults/imagemagick4-2-9.inc
   - defaults/imagemagick5-4-4.inc
   - defaults/imagemagick6.inc
   - defaults/gd-only.inc

   Site-wide defaults: Default settings for one specific site
   (e.g. database name, db user, etc.). Included from the top of

   - sites/www-mydomain-com.localconf.php
   - sites/www.anotherdomain-ch.localconf.php

   The idea of this is to have a completely modular site
   configuration. A whole site can be backupped to another server with
   different database connection settings but the configuration is
   placed at the same position in the path.

- - create empty database and appropriate user in the MySQL-Server

- - use symlic to a concrete TYPO3 source version instead of the symlink

- - Reenable the site installation feature:

   Move the remaining parts of a BASH script to PHP load the required
   SQL from typo3.org (if Debian package is not provided)

   Install (dummy, quickstart, testsite) as templates but not as
   instances and use the site-installer to set them up.

   Alloy multiple instances of the quickstart site running and
   let web hosters use the typo3-site-installer.

- - site config files (located in /etc/typo3/?) to enable/disable both
   install tool (as everything is already done correctly, the install
   tool is disabled by default) and the whole backend with just two

- - set an initial password for the admin user of the backend

- - allow installation of multiple instances from the given packages
   (dummy, quickstart, testsite)

- - get t3d from typo3.org (and save them as tar.gz and build then
   appropiate Debian packages) - install dummy, quickstart, testsite
   from t3d plus common extensions (Thomas Barth is working on this,

- - check local installation for enabled php and loaded gd and mysql

- - Adapt man page to new options

- - Remove database.sql (the version in the site package should be used,

- - execdir - manage symlinks for the binaries in every site or/and in a
   single directory (TYPO3 already uses /usr/local/php/bin in addition
   to the ones provided by apache.conf)

- - i18n

- - test/adopt to other GNU/Linux distrubutions than Debian/Ubuntu

- - Port script to Win32 through an extension to the file system
   operations so that they work operation system independent

- --
Christian Leutloff, Aachen, Germany
leutloff at debian.org - http://www.oche.de/~leutloff/
Debian GNU/Linux - - http://www.de.debian.org/
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