[Typo3-debian] Up to date Debian packages available

Christian Leutloff leutloff at debian.org
Fri May 6 15:04:40 CEST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Hi Michael,

Michael Stucki schrieb:
> ===
> Generally, I still dislike some of the conceptions. You provide the packages
> typo3-quickstart, typo3-testsite and typo3-dummy. But this way they can
> only be installed once.

Is the intended usage of these packages to be installed more than
once?  I myself can't think of a situation where I would like to
install multiple instances of the above packages.

> My suggestion is that you install the files of these packages
> in /usr/share/doc/<package-name> and use the site-installer to create an
> instance based on these files.

> BTW, Ingmar and I discussed the sites philosophy in Kitzbühel. We're
> thinking about removing the testsite and the quickstart package but
> providing them as T3D files (TYPO3 site exports). So then everything will
> be based on the dummysite which is already part of the site-installer in
> your case...

I like the idea to use T3D files to install quickstart and testsite.
 What must be done to install a T3D file into TYPO3 without TYPO3
being executed? I've searched typo3.org and nothing found. The next
step would be to look into the code.

The site-installer at the moment lacks many of required features 8-(
- - create an adopted apache.conf
- - build the complete site (copy from archive, create symlinks)

Therefor I would like to go with the existing install once packages
and get them accepted into Debian. Then go on working towards the
T3D based packages that may be installed multiple times on the same
machine. Do you agree?

> ===
> Please mention in the docs that there is a Debian repository which provides
> eaccelerator and graphicsmagick packages for Sarge:
> deb http://typo3.sunsite.dk/software/debian/ sarge all
> deb-src http://typo3.sunsite.dk/software/debian/ sarge all
> (There's also a Woody repository which additionally contains GD and
> ImageMagick with LZW, etc. But I didn't work on that one for quite some
> time - don't know if it's still working...)

done. But, why aren't these packages part of Debian? Should we move
them to Debian main, too?

> ===
> The path /var/lib/typo3/latest was my idea but I don't recommend it anymore.
> If you upgrade TYPO3 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 and the latest symlink would be
> changed, the site would be broken unless someone manually upgrades the
> database in the Install Tool. So I rather think the "feature" is dangerous
> than helpful. Can you please drop that?

It's a bit difficult to drop. I use this link in many places as the
default to the typo3_src directory. It is only set during the first
installation of typo3-src. The link will NOT be changed automaticly.

It may be possible, if we use the site-installer to install the
packages from scratch.

> ===
> Dependencies:
> - TYPO3 does not depend on mysql-server - it just needs the client
>   installed. The server could also run on a different host, therefore I
>   suggest to change the following packages from dependencies into
>   suggestions or recommendations:

>   mysql-server, mail-transport-agent, php4-gd, imagemagick, gs, diff,
>   xpdf-utils, catdoc

already done:

Package: typo3-src-3.7
Depends:  apache2 | apache, libapache2-mod-php4 |
libapache-mod-php4, php4-mysql, php4-cgi, php4-cli
Recommends: mysql-server (>= 3.23.1-1), exim | postfix |
 php4-gd, graphicsmagick | imagemagick, gs,
 diff (>= 2.7), xpdf-utils, catdoc
Suggests: typo3-dummy | typo3-quickstart | typo3-testsite,
Provides: typo3-src
Description: Powerful content management framework (Core)

The dependicies are only in the convenience package typo3 (you are
naming this type of package typo3-env):

Package: typo3
Architecture: all
Depends: typo3-src-3.7, typo3-site-installer,
 typo3-dummy | typo3-quickstart | typo3-testsite,
 mysql-server (>= 3.23.1-1) | mysql-server-4.1, exim | postfix |
 php4-gd, graphicsmagick | imagemagick, gs,
 diff (>= 2.7), xpdf-utils, catdoc
Suggests: httrack, webhttrack
Description: Powerful content management framework (Meta package)

> - I suggest to remove the dependency for php4-cgi. Use php4-cli instead..


> - The indexed search extension of TYPO3 3.8 will support a bunch of new file
>   types. Please add them to the list of suggestions as well:
>   xlhtml, ppthtml, unrtf


> - I'm planning to create a Debian package of ooo_extract which can be used
>   to index OpenOffice.org documents. The functionality is already in
>   indexed_search but there's yet no Debian package available. I will do that
>   later and add it to the Sunsite repository.

added, too

here is the corrected debian/control file:

Source: typo3-src
Section: web
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Christian Leutloff <leutloff at debian.org>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)
Standards-Version: 3.6.1

Package: typo3
Architecture: all
Depends: typo3-src-3.7, typo3-site-installer,
 typo3-dummy | typo3-quickstart | typo3-testsite,
 mysql-server (>= 3.23.1-1) | mysql-server-4.1,
 exim | postfix | mail-transport-agent,
 php4-gd, graphicsmagick | imagemagick, gs,
 diff (>= 2.7), xpdf-utils, catdoc, xlhtml, ppthtml, unrtf
Suggests: httrack, webhttrack
Description: Powerful content management framework (Meta package)
 This meta package ease the full installation of TYPO3, if you want to
 run all server components from one machine. In addition it depends on
 the latest packages to smooth the update process.
 TYPO3 is a Web content management system which features automatic
 creation of navigational menus, headlines, and other dynamic
 graphical elements, automatic conversion and scaling of images, the
 ability to present different templates based on variables such as
 client browser or country code, support for multiple templates on a
 site, and a built-in password-protection option.
 Pages can be timed to be shown on a certain date, be hidden on a
 certain date or just temporarily hidden. TYPO3 supports search in
 SQL-databases and redesigning of a website at once is just a matter
 of creating a single new template.
 Author:   Kasper Skårhøj
 Homepage: http://www.typo3.com/

Package: typo3-src-3.7
Architecture: all
Depends: apache2 | apache, libapache2-mod-php4 | libapache-mod-php4,
 php4-mysql, php4-cli
Recommends: mysql-server (>= 3.23.1-1) | mysql-server-4.1,
 php4-gd, gs, diff (>= 2.7), exim | postfix | mail-transport-agent,
 graphicsmagick | imagemagick, xpdf-utils, catdoc,
 typo3-site-installer, typo3-dummy | typo3-quickstart | typo3-testsite
Suggests: xlhtml, ppthtml, unrtf, ooo_extract
Provides: typo3-src
Description: Powerful content management framework (Core)
 This package provides the core engine of TYPO3, often called the
 TYPO3 is a Web content management system which features automatic
 creation of navigational menus, headlines, and other dynamic
 graphical elements, automatic conversion and scaling of images, the
 ability to present different templates based on variables such as
 client browser or country code, support for multiple templates on a
 site, and a built-in password-protection option.
 Pages can be timed to be shown on a certain date, be hidden on a
 certain date or just temporarily hidden. TYPO3 supports search in
 SQL-databases and redesigning of a website at once is just a matter
 of creating a single new template.
 Author:   Kasper Skårhøj
 Homepage: http://www.typo3.com/

> ===
> Fixes/corrections:
> - Some of the site packages miss some of the directories fileadmin/,
>   typo3conf/, typo3temp/ or uploads/. These directories are essential for a
>   site installation, make sure they're included.

They are essential, but I've verified that they were already in the
site packages:




I have no idea what I can do.

> - What is the idea of using the "execdir"? I see no need for this...

only the binaries located in this directory may be used from PHP.
This is one of the security features of safe mode.

> - The name of Kasper is wrongly written (Kasper Skårhøj). Please write
>   "Kasper Skårhøj" or if that doesn't work "Kasper Skaarhoj"

done. But now I get the warning:
E: typo3-src source:
debian-control-file-uses-obsolete-national-encoding at line 34

Kasper Skårhøj is utf8 encoded - what should i do?

> Thanks for your work!
You're welcome.


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