[Typo3-debian] Ugly fonts, hinting trouble?

Bas v.d. Wiel bas at extranet.kompas-media.nl
Fri Jul 29 19:27:52 CEST 2005

Hi Steffen,
Yes I tried everything that was in the wiki but to no avail. The urgency 
of the problem is gone at the moment because the niceText option made 
the fonts look acceptable. However when not using this option (rendering 
is much faster without niceText) I'd say fonts should render acceptably 
as well. What bothers me most is that there is no visible difference 
whatsoever when I change fundamental options in /etc/fonts/local.conf 
(like turning hinting and antialiasing on/off). This leads me to believe 
that such settings are controlled elsewhere on Debian but I'm completely 
at a loss for further information.


Steffen Müller wrote:

>On 07/25/2005 05:05 PM bas at extranet.kompas-media.nl wrote:
>>None of the TYPO3 install tests fail (all get green tick-marks). The only
>>problem is ugly font rendering. It seems like some glyphs overlap others
>Did you try a different configuration as proposed in the wiki?
>Maybe changing the dpi value helps:
>$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["GFX"]["TTFdpi"] = '96';

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