[Typo3-debian] typo3 3.7.0 on sarge

Steffen Mueller steffen at mail.kommwiss.fu-berlin.de
Sat Oct 2 03:30:04 CEST 2004

Hi Laurence,

On 30.09.2004 17:07 Laurence Loewe wrote:
> currently I am setting up a typo3 server under debian on a new PC. The 
> new hardware would force me to use sarge (as the network-card is too new 
> for woody).

Just curious, which one is it?

> 2. http://typo3.sunsite.dk/software/debian/typo3-3.6.1_woody_install.txt 
> where the first text lead to errors.

If you would let us know what kind of error it was, it would be more
easy to help you. Please be more specific.

> Does anyone know other well explained installation instructions that are 
> designed for
>  - sarge
>  - apache2.0.x
>  - mysql 4.0.x

For generall instructions, search the debian documentation, needful
advices are found (after installation) in the README files in

You need at last these packages (if not already installed): apache php4
php4-mysql exim mysql-server php4-gd2 php4-cgi imagemagick gs diff
xpdf-utils catdoc wget unzip bzip2

For TYPO3 specific configuration, go back to step F) at

>  - typo3 3.7.0
> (as the ones above assume woody and result in a bumpy ride that did not 
> seem to work for me on an out of the box sarge)?

As far as I know, TYPO3 3.7.0 is not available as debian package.
Get .tar.gz packages from http://typo3.org/download/

Of course, you need to go through the 1-2-3 install-tool. Have a look
at: http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/doc_inst_upgr/

> If such a detailed page with instructions is not available, would 
> someone be willing to make a new version of the existing page that is 
> specifically made for sarge? (I can offer to be a beta-tester and help 
> to say what did and what did not work in the old scripts, for a start).

You could start writing down your experiences and send it to this list.
This would be good starting point, wouldn't it?


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