[Typo3-debian] https in a virtual hosting environment

Steffen Mueller steffen at davis.kommwiss.fu-berlin.de
Mon Mar 29 21:49:54 CEST 2004

Hi Lars.

On 03/29/04 20:38 Lars E. D. Jensen wrote:
> Hi
> Should a SSL certificate serve as a certificate for all virtual hosts TYPO3
> backend or should they each have different certificates?

Generally, it depends on what you choose and what your Hosting ISP provides.

> Using
> http://typo3.org/doc.0.html?&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[extUid]=995&cHash=95dab1af4d
> a shared certificate isn't possible is it?

What makes you think so?

Regarding Chapter 1.3.3 Configuring the Extension
Point 7: secure_typo3_root setting
As I understand the documentation, you can configure the URI just as you 

I never tried that extension for myself, but it's on my long time todo list.

Would you share your knowledge, if you've managed to use this extension?


"Education is man's going forward from cocksure ignorance
to thoughtful uncertainty." (Don Clarks' Scrapbook)

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