[Typo3-debian] I know this isn't really a Typo3 questions but ....

Marshall Van Beurden mvanbeurden at kpffspd.com
Wed Mar 3 23:52:29 CET 2004

I've installed typo3 using the debian packages and now need to reconfigure 
PHP4 to include --with-xml and --with-imap.  I've done a little looking 
around and for the life of me cannot figure out how to run './configure' in 
the Apache directory.  I could re-install Apache from source with all of 
the same configure options, but then any existing changes would get over 
written right?

Any suggestions on where to start with this?


Marshall Van Beurden
Technical Consultant
KPFF Special Projects Division
mvanbeurden at kpffspd.com
O: (206) 382-0600
F: (206) 382-0500
C: (206) 412-4482  

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