[Typo3-debian] New beta packages

Michael Stucki mundaun at gmx.ch
Sat Jan 24 03:09:17 CET 2004

Hi all!

after finally getting some webspace in the USA (thanks Ingmar!) I have
uploaded a bunch of packages to that site.

Feel free to test them and give me as much feedback as you can, but please
note that they are STILL BETA versions right now!

APT resources:

  deb http://typo3.cyberservers.net/software/debian/ ./
  deb-src http://typo3.cyberservers.net/software/debian/ ./

In short, this is what has changed and what you'll have to do:

- typo3-base has been renamed to typo3-base-3.5.0 (so it can co-exist with
  future versions)

  Well there is nothing new inside that source, but since we want to test if
  this works, we'll have to install the new package typo3-base-3.5.0:

  apt-get install typo3-base-3.5.0

  (typo3-base will be removed and replaced by this package)

- typo3-base and typo3-site-installer/typo3-env have been separated

  There is one outstanding problem with this:
  Since the site-installer used the same version number as TYPO3 (3.5.0),
  this number has been decreased to 0.1 again.
  The problem is that apt doesn't "downgrade" automatically.
  To solve this, you'll need to install the site-installer with this command
  in order to upgrade your package:

  apt-get remove --purge typo3-env typo3-site-installer && \
  apt-get install typo3-env

- Improved localconf.php:

  Have a look at it in typo3_src/misc/default-localconf.php
  The new site-installer is using this file by default.
  It has two blocks which are disabled with comments. Uncomment them if you
  are using one of the packages from below.

- GD library with GIF write support

  apt-get install libgd2-xpm php4-gd2

  (don't forget to restart Apache)

- ImageMagick 4.2.9 with GIF write support

  apt-get install imagemagick-typo3

  (this one can safely co-exist with the original imagemagick package)

  It seems that it is possible to generate thumbnails of multi-page PDF
  files! However - to me it looks like the files are not cached(??)

Some more notes:
- It seems that a blank 3.5.0 site cannot display the left frame of the
  BUSINESS template. With 3.6.0rc1, it works.

- A debianized 3.6.0rc1 should follow next week

- A detailed manual is on the way, but I still need some more time for this.

Happy testing!
- michael
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