[Typo3-UG Oesterreich] Typo3: Header mit Layout 5 als Grafiken auf zwei Zeilen

born at gmx.ch born at gmx.ch
Fri Jun 17 09:35:00 CEST 2005

Ich will das alle Header mit Layout Nr. 5 automatisch als Grafik ausgegeben
werden - auch mehrzeilig. 

Das problem ist jedoch mit mehrzeiilgen Titeln, diese 'brechen' nicht beim
gewählten Sonderzeichen. Dafür habe ich auf Typo3.org folgendes gefunden,
das scheint jedoch nicht so zu funktionieren. Mir scheint, als das der
gesamte Teil im Setup ignoriert wird.

Ich bin Anfänger und blicke da echt nicht mehr durch!

Danke für jede Hilfe!!
########### neue version typo3.org ##########
styles.header.gfx1 >
styles.header.gfx1 {
# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=color; label=Header "Layout5", Backgr.
color: Color of the background of the header-items. This should be the same
as the page background color.
bgCol = white

# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=file[ttf]; label=Header "Layout5", Font
file: TrueType (ttf) font
file.fontFile = fileadmin/templates/Univers_Condensed.ttf
# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int[1-40]; label=Header "Layout5", Font
size: Font size of the TrueType font
fontSize = 16
# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=color; label=Header "Layout5", Font color:
Font color of the TrueType font
fontColor = #1F5982
# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=offset; label=Header "Layout5", Font
offset: Enter the offset of the text from the upper-left corner on the
header items
fontOffset = 0,12
# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=boolean; label=Header "Layout5", Nicetext:
If the text is jagged on the edges, you may try to eliminate it with this
option. But it will also slow down the rendering process.
niceText = 0

# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int[1-200]; label=Header "Layout5", height:
Height (pixels) of the header-items
itemH = 30
# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int+; label=Header "Layout5", Max width:
Maximum width (pixels) of the header-items. Use this to ensure that the
headers will never get wider than your page design for the content allows.
Use the same value as for "Max Image Width".
maxWidth = 400
# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int+; label=Header "Layout5", Max chars:
Maximum number of text characters allowed in the header items. Use this as a
way to limit the physical width of the headers. Similar in concept to
maxChars = 0

# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int[1-256]; label=Header "Layout5", Reduce
colors: Number of indexed colors on header items. If your headers end up
with weird colors, you can try to enter a higher number of colors. But the
graphics-files will also increase their filesize.
reduceColors = 16
# cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout5", Wrap: Wrap
HTML-code for the header item
wrap = |

und für das Setup:
### layout 5 graphic header ###################
styles.header.gfx1 >
styles.header.gfx1 = IMAGE
styles.header.gfx1 {
wrap = {$styles.header.gfx1.wrap}
alttext.current = 0
file {
XY = [10.w]+10 ,{$styles.header.gfx1.itemH}
maxWidth = {$styles.header.gfx1.maxWidth}
backColor = {$styles.header.gfx1.bgCol}
reduceColors = {$styles.header.gfx1.reduceColors}
10 = TEXT
10 {
text.crop = {$styles.header.gfx1.maxChars}
fontSize = {$styles.header.gfx1.fontSize}
fontFile = {$styles.header.gfx1.file.fontFile}
fontColor = {$styles.header.gfx1.fontColor}
offset = {$styles.header.gfx1.fontOffset}
niceText = {$styles.header.gfx1.niceText}





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