[Typo3-UG Oesterreich] RE: [Typo3-UG Oesterreich] Graphical Header - 2te Zeil e eingerückt

Georg Kuehnberger | plan2.net gk at plan2.net
Thu Oct 9 03:57:42 CEST 2003

At 22:56 08.10.2003, Christian Kurta wrote:
>Hi Kurt!
>Hab das bei Setup eingefügt:
>Jedoch bekomm ich keinen Schatten angezeigt.
>Danke im Vorhinein!


Vielleicht hilft untiges als Denkanstoss = Gifbuilderobj, mit 2 untersch 
Texten (page-header, -suheader) in zwei Zeilen;

lg Georg

# grabbing a few text-values from the page for reusage
p2.pagetext.title = TEXT
p2.pagetext.title.field = title
p2.pagetext.subtitle = TEXT
p2.pagetext.subtitle.field = subtitle

# building one image with title and subtitle in it
p2.styles.gfx40 = IMAGE
p2.styles.gfx40.params = hspace=5
p2.styles.gfx40.wrap = | <br />
p2.styles.gfx40.alttext < p2.pagetext.title
p2.styles.gfx40.file = GIFBUILDER
p2.styles.gfx40.file {
         XY = 250,[20.h]+30
         backColor = #EEEEEE
         20 = TEXT
         20.text < p2.pagetext.title
         20.textMaxLength = 150
         20.text.case = lower
         20.offset = 15,15
         20.align = left
         20.niceText = 1
         20.fontSize= 14
         20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/arial.ttf
         20.fontColor = #000000
         30 = TEXT
         30.text < p2.pagetext.subtitle
         30.textMaxLength = 150
         30.text.case = lower
         30.offset = 5,30
         30.align = center
         30.niceText = 1
         30.fontSize= 10
         30.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/arial.ttf
         30.fontColor = #FF6600

# insert into page
page.40 < p2.styles.gfx40

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