[Typo3-UG Oesterreich] hartabergerecht

Georg Kuehnberger | plan2.net gk at plan2.net
Thu Nov 27 22:51:19 CET 2003

At 19:31 27.11.2003, Michael Perkhofer wrote:
>Habt ihr das schon gesehn?
>bekommt ihr auch immer wieder:
>Database Error
>The current username, password or host was not accepted when the 
>connection to the database was attempted to be established!

War das ein Wortwitz ?
"The current username, password or host was not accepted when the 
connection to the database was attempted to be established! "
= hart aber gerecht !?!

und um Deine Frage zu beantworten: Ja,
lg g
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