[TYPO3-about] Anyone here?

Tolleiv Nietsch tolleiv.nietsch at typo3.org
Mon Jul 8 20:20:49 CEST 2013


I just saw that conversation between some of the "active" 
guyshttps://twitter.com/T3RevNeverEnd/status/353949376504279041 reaching 
the point where they'll meet for a hangout to discuss "real" stuff. Many 
of these discussions happend on Twitter in the last months, not a single 
one reached that newsgroup. So I now I ask myself is this list really 
needed? Should it be closed right away?

This list was supposed to be low-traffic I know - but 6 months without 
actual discussions (two technical topics from March which don't count 
for me) in it when the community is heavily discussion many things? 
Can't be! .. so I'd vote to close that list right away.

Tolleiv Nietsch
TYPO3 Core Developer

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