[TYPO3-about] Anti-harrasment policy for our events?

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Wed Feb 6 08:45:51 CET 2013


On 5-2-2013 20:52, Philipp Gampe wrote:
> I read the article, but I do not get what an anti-harassment policy would
> have helped in this case?

She was thankful how the team handled it and about the care towards her. 
She was ashamed and felt like she was letting down the organizers by 
being a speaker and bringing all this hassle.

A policy would have made it clear *in advance* that the organizers cared 
about this, that it wasn't *her* bringing the hassle and that *she* 
wasn't letting anybody down.
Doesn't that mean something?

> The person who did it is unknow ... things like this happen even to male
> speakers (although usually not with a sexual topic).

It doesn't matter that the person is unknown. Just the fact that you can 
speak up about such matters, that everything will be done to limit the 
consequences, etc.
It's also irrelevant if it were a male or female speaker; harassment 
isn't acceptable, period.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 Core Team member

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