[Tycon3] T3CON09 Call for papers now open!

Søren Schaffstein username at isp.net.invalid
Mon Apr 27 16:19:15 CEST 2009

Hi everybody!

Call for papers for this years TYPO3 conference is now open:

We are inviting contributions on all aspects of the TYPO3 system. The program
will cover a variety of subjects including: Design, Internal System
Development, Tools, and Applications. Any topic likely to be of interest to
TYPO3 hackers, users, admins or enthusiasts will be considered. Timely papers
discussing work in progress or recently completed work are especially welcome.
Existing work that is unique in some way is also appreciated. Topics should
have relevance to TYPO3, but need not be exclusive to it.

The following topics are of special interest. So please submit a paper if you
have experience with one of these (ordering of the topic does not suggest a

    * TYPO3 und SEO
    * TYPO3 CaseStudies
    * TYPO3 Security
    * TYPO3 und Schnittstellen zu anderen Systemen
    * TYPO3 und MVC
    * FLOW3
    * TYPO3 Version 5
    * Cloud Computing
    * Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
    * High Availability / Redundancy

This year it is also planned to have 3 conference tracks instead of 2 as in
the years before. The tracks are going to be:

1: The Developer-Track is targeted at TYPO3 developers and will focus on
technically more sophisticated topics.
2: The Consultancy-Track is targeted at decision makers and TYPO3 consultants
who'd like to get a good overview of TYPO3s capabilities and features.
3: The new Orientation-Track is targeted at TYPO3-Newbies and people who want
to get an overview of TYPO3s capabilities and features. Therefore casestudies
of interesting projects are warmly welcome in this track.
Additionally this track offers the possibility to give a speech in german

Significant dates
    * Closing date for abstracts: June 12th, 2009
    * Authors notified by: June 26th, 2009
    * Final papers due: August 15th, 2009

Looking forward to seeing your paper submission,
Søren Schaffstein

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