[Tycon3] Hosts for presentation and Internetcafe

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Tue Jul 12 17:20:16 CEST 2005

* Sven Wilhelm <wilhelm at icecrash.com> [050712 16:55]:
> At the Linuxtag the Karlsruhe Linux User Group had an Internetcafe with
> nice little and cheap terminals, also sponsored by the Company selling them.

We wanted to provide a free WLAN. So everybody with his
laptop could surf the net.
We had a terminal room at the EuroBSDCon, but basically nearly everybody
had his own laptop, so I hoped not to have specific hardware for TYCON3, but
rather let people use own laptops, (or the one from a friend)

have fun
punkt.de GmbH               Internet-Dienstleistungen-Beratung
Vorholzstr. 25              Tel.: 0721 9109-0  Fax: -100 
76137 Karlsruhe             info at punkt.de    http://punkt.de/

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