[Tycon3] Dates wanted

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Mon Dec 13 16:42:46 CET 2004

Hello together, 
to make some further steps, we need a date for the conference.
I suggest planning for Thursday till Sunday, so that we have the time
*if* we need it for extra Tracks or tutorials. So do not consider
this "Dating" as a vote for 4 days conference, but as a "planned
booking", where we than can decide at the end: X days starting
at "whatever" date. I just want to start an internal "date voting"
so that we can set up the call for papers *real Soon* now.
My suggestions:

Althoug at this point we are not fixed to karlsruhe, I just want
to throw in at which date I would *not* recommend Karlsruhe
a.) July/august, because its *very* hot
b.) 29.10.-6.11. because there is a large fair in Karlsruhe, and
hotels are booked out.
So please comment on one of those dates, or make a different

have fun
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