[Neos] FYI: Work Package added: TypoScript consistency

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Fri May 17 18:03:56 CEST 2013

Hey everybody,

on our code sprint, we (Christopher, Aske, Rens, Christian, Robert,
Karsten, myself and a lot of people I forgot) have discussed some
streamlining of TypoScript, with the following bigger changes:

  * remove per-node TypoScript loading from the file system; instead
    make TypoScript only globally available per site
  * make TypoScript objects, simple values, and eel expressions
  * remove processors and replace them with eel expressions and
    TypoScript objects.

The full details can be found at http://forge.typo3.org/issues/48275 --
and we'll work on doing the changes in the upcoming weeks.


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