[Neos] Comments Needed: Moving Page and Shortcut from Neos to NodeTypes

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Tue Dec 3 06:43:11 CET 2013

Hey everybody,

I have just spent some time on moving Page and Shortcut to NodeTypes.
For me it all works in a backwards-compatible manner but I'd like to
discuss a few things with you so that's why the change is still WIP:

and associated to it: https://review.typo3.org/#/c/23845/

So, here are my discussion points:

  * What do you think about making the change nonbreaking by *still
    adding* a TYPO3.Neos:Page which *inherits* from the (new)
    TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Page? That means we don't break the existing
    sites, as we essentially deprecate TYPO3.Neos:Page... Or should we
    rather do a "clean cut" and remove the deprecation altogether,
    breaking *all* sites now? (but providing an upgrade)
  * The Neos Shortcut handling depends on Neos.NodeTypes:Shortcut; in
    the longer run, I'd extract that to a signal/slot and move the code
    to Neos.NodeTypes. Agreed?
  * The Site Importer creates a *shortcut* for the root node of the
    site. I am totally unsure what to do about this one; is it
    acceptable that we reference a node from the NodeTypes package here?

So, feel free to apply the change on your site; you can test this by:

  * applying both of the above changes to your running site; no changes
    should be visible
  * running the TYPO3CR Migration; also no changes should be visible but
    you should see in the DB that the node types changed.

Greets, Sebastian

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