[TYPO3-50-general] TYPO3CGL package

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Mon Feb 11 12:27:22 CET 2008

Hi Malte, Tim and those who love CGLs ...

A few weeks ago I promised you that we'd have some better  
infrastructure in place to handle the package you created for CGL  
checking. So here we are, we now have The Forge ...

I just created a new project for you (TYPO3CGL) and added a directory  
to the subversion repository. You should be able to login with your  
typo3.org account and upload your package. You also have full access  
in Redmine to your own project.

So, what's next?

I sugesst that you upload your code to SVN, so I can get a firt  
impression of it. Then we'll have to find a way to include it into the  
Forge modules - that's a subject you'd have to talk with Martin Herr  
and Sebastian Kurfürst. The idea is that there's a new module  
"Metrics" for each project in Forge which has sub tabs for CGL  
compliance, test results, code coverage etc.

About getting your data from the old wiki: I don't know if he's got  
the time, but Sebastian would be the best guy to help you with that.  
Please open a new ticket in the forge.typo3.org project and describe  
what information you want to have transferred.

Finally some general thing about the TYPO3CGL Package. Now that we  
released the FLOW3 brand and it's clear that the package system and  
all other infrastructure for TYPO3 v5 is technically FLOW3, I wonder  
if it made sense to rename your package to "FLOW3CGL". Of course  
that's not just a technical decision - you can see it from two sides:  
We adhere to the FLOW3 CGLs for TYPO3 v5 or we use the TYPO3 v5 CGLs  
for FLOW3.

What do you (all) think about that?

Same goes for the "T3_" class prefix. Use "F3_" instead? Would be  
strange though.
If we'd be really and honestly open, we should skip the prefix  
alltogether and allow "ez_" or "MyCompany_" as well. But that's yet  
another discussion.


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