[TYPO3-50-general] Typo Wiki CSS overhaul

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Wed Mar 28 17:26:11 CEST 2007

Hi Sebastian,

Am 28.03.2007 um 14:30 schrieb Sebastian Kurfuerst:

>>>   * No matter how the pros and cons are, I think we should stick  
>>> to the
>>>     fixed width with the grey background like at typo3.org
> I am with Den here and use the full width. On bugs.typo3.org we use  
> the
> full width because of usability reasons as well, so I'd use that in
> trac, too!

Well, what specifically do you mean with usability? I know, there was  
a huge
discussion about the pros and cons of fixed widths and we shouldn't open
that here again, but reading a big amount of text (like a wiki article
or other documentation) is much easier with a fixed width. That's why
Karsten also applied a fixed width to the style of The Guide.

Anyway, if it's technically possible, I'd ask you to create a stylesheet
which follows typo3.org as much as possible. And I suggest that we  
improvements together with the creators of the TYPO3 style (Rasmus,  
Ben etc.).
I mean, you wouldn't feel comfortable if a graphic artist like Ben  
your PHP code, would you? ;-)

> I think that sub headings should be black and not grey, but I think  
> that
> different sizes are really good! Especially when we use different
> headings in trac (h1 to h4 or something), I like the different  
> sizes as
> it makes the work a lot more structured.

Let's not change that here locally. _If_ we want to have different sizes
for headings, we have to do that everywhere, not only at our 5.0 site.
So, please discuss this with Ben O'Hear and agree on a global rule  
for that.

Generally I think that the whole unification of the style for all TYPO3
sites should be a part of Mathias' typo3.org relaunch project. @Mattes:
Could you imagine coordinating that (or finding some coordinator) to
make sure all TYPO3 sites are based on the same layout rules?


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