[FLOW3-general] localization with FLOW

Federico Bernardin typo3list at bernardin.it
Fri Dec 14 15:24:41 CET 2012

Hi list,
I'm playing with FLOW and I'm implementing the localization for my test package but I have some problem.

What I need is to create a route (example: www.mysite.com/it/mypackage/mycontroller/myaction) with a language parameter. THis part is easy and I already implemented it.
The I would like to create link in the same format: www.mysite.com/it/mypackage/mycontroller/myaction.

I created this route:

  name: 'language'
  uriPattern: '{@locale}/{@package}/{@controller}(/{@action})'
    '@package':    'MyPackage'
    '@controller': 'Standard'
    '@action':     'index'
    '@format':     'html'

Then I create the initialize action into controller:

public function initializeAction(){
		$arguments = $this->request->getArguments();
			$localeDetector= $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\FLOW3\I18n\Detector');
			$locale = $localeDetector->detectLocaleFromLocaleTag($arguments['@locale']);
			$i18nService = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\FLOW3\I18n\Service');
			if ($i18nService->getConfiguration()->getCurrentLocale() !== $locale) {

Then I would like use fluid link.action to create an action to my controller. I tried to use arguments parameter: <f:link.action  action="myaction" arguments="{@locale:it}">Go to myaction</f:link.action> but it doesn't work because my argument has @ (I supposed). With locale without @ it works but I would like to use the route written before.

Can you help me?


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