[FLOW3-general] Doctrine OneToOne Relation

Thomas Mammitzsch thomas at visualworx.de
Tue Dec 11 15:15:09 CET 2012

Hi list,

i have 2 objects and want to join those two based on an identifier that 
ist not persistence_object_identifier.

class Scoutobject {

      * The scoutobjectid
      * @var integer
     protected $scoutobjectid;

      * @var Acme\Demo\Domain\Model\Objectcoordinates
      * @ORM\OneToOne
      * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="scoutobjectid", 
     protected $objectcoordinates;

class Objectcoordinates {

	 * The scoutobject_scoutobjectid
	 * @var integer
	protected $scoutobject_scoutobjectid;


When using flow doctrine:update i end up on this error:

An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE
acme_demo_domain_model_scoutobject ADD CONSTRAINT
FK_4DE578D5405180DF FOREIGN KEY (scoutobjectid) REFERENCES

regards, Thomas

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