[FLOW3-general] War with OneToMany and many workarounds (authors of FLOW3 pls reply)

Dawid Pacholczyk dpacholczyk at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 21:22:37 CEST 2011

Hello List,
  I would like to discuss about @OneToMany relation. As you can see in 
my previous topics I had BIG problems with it. I would like you to see 
what I had to do to make it works. I mean that by one form I could add 
new user with address and the address with connection to User

First the initializeCreateAction

	 * Initialize createAction
	 * @return void
	public function initializeCreateAction() {



I had to change allowModificationForSubProperty from the examples and my 
discussion to allowCreationFroSubProperty. It worked but when I created 
both objects Address had no relation to User in db. Null was in this field.

Now my createAction

	 * Adds the given new user object to the user repository
	 * @param \SFTAG\Core\Domain\Model\User $user A new user to add
	public function createAction(User $newUser) {
		$addresses = $newUser->getAddresses()->toArray();

Look here. I had to grab addresses (collection) from $newUser. Convert 
it array and grab first object. then i had to clear the collection than 
add to the object asociated with it User. Update object of type Address 
I`ve added to the user addresses collection and finally save the user in DB

Now the addAddress in my User model

	 * Adds address to user
	 * @param \SFTAG\Core\Domain\Model\Address $address
	 * @return void
	public function addAddress(\SFTAG\Core\Domain\Model\Address $address) {
		if($this->addresses == null)
			$this->addresses = new ArrayCollection();

See what I had to do ? I had to check first is $this->addresses is null. 
You could say that I should initialize this in my controller

	public function __construct() {
// I use only ArrayCollection after new cause I used "use 
		$this->addresses = new ArrayCollection();

I did. Like in blog example. And still I need to check if its null

After all this workaround I could add User with Address asociated. I 
worked on that for about 6 days. It was rly frustrating time.

One more question. What is with method getPropertyMappingConfiguration() 
? It`s not in official API for Argument or Arguments but via google I 
can find old version where this method exists. So is there or not ? If 
not why should I use it ?

I hope that authors will join my in this topic cause this fight of mine 
was rly strange. I know that it can be done better but there is no clue 
how it is possible. Or maybe it isn`t ?

Please verify this post and answer something. Don`t get it as and 
message from angry developer that is too stupid too understand your 
work. Just look how long was my discussion with Ferdinand (title: 
Mapping and adding objects - problem with properties). I rly hope will 
have a nice and educational discussion.

best regards,
Dawid Pacholczyk

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